Showing posts with label Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college.. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college.

Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college. According to, the average college student has $3,200 in credit card debt on top of their loans, and that estimate may be modest. Don’t ignore your credit card debt while dealing with your student loans. Once you lay out what you’re paying in interest every month, you can make the best strategy for dealing with your debt.Big Boss vote

Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college.

Student loans may not be the only debt you accrued while in college. According to,  the average college student has $3,200 in cred...